Monday, April 25, 2011

Abortion by the Numbers

Before we begin, let us set aside our normal arguments for or against abortion. If we cannot do this, the message will get lost in the rhetoric and we will not be able to see clearly. In order to remove the smoke that is obscuring our vision, let us simply set it aside leaving the rhetoric for another time. When we do, we will find one certain thing - something is terribly wrong. The numbers do not lie no matter how some may try to manipulate them to support their position on this volatile issue. The numbers of abortions on black women, in the states where we can access the data, are so disproportionately high; we must begin to examine the root cause. For the sake of this discussion, let's keep the focus narrow for now, contrasting New York City and Georgia.

In 2009, there were 68203 viable pregnancies among black women of child bearing age in New York City. Of that number, 40,798 ended in one of the abortion centers in the City. In other words more black babies were aborted than born alive in New York City. This is a horrifying number. It actually means that not enough black babies are being born to keep the percentage of blacks in New York City the same as it was reported by the U. S. Census bureau in previous years. I wondered aloud how long the numbers in New York City had been upside down. I wish I had not wondered because as I dug into them what I found has broken my heart and almost my spirit.

The abortion rate for blacks in New York City has exceeded the birth rate for at least a decade. I could not bring myself to look at 1999 and before, because my breath was taken away when I saw the numbers for the past ten years. Prior to digging into the New York numbers, my breath had been taken by the numbers I found in Georgia and it was Georgia's numbers that caused me to take a stand. For more than fifteen years abortions performed on black Georgia women has exceeded 50% and for the past ten years, the numbers have exceeded 55% each and every year. For nine of the past ten years, twenty five percent or more of the pregnancies in Georgia's black community ended in abortion.

New York City has very few, if any laws, regulating abortion. In fact, one opinion piece in the New York Post dubbed New York the abortion capitol of the nation. Georgia on the other hand has several abortion restrictions including 24 hour waiting period, parental notification, ultra-sound and woman's right to know laws. These incremental measures were designed to slow the growth of abortion, however, black Georgia women have consistently lead in the number of abortions for more than fifteen years. The abortion rate in Georgia's black community has not decreased but has consistently remained high. Something is wrong, terribly wrong.

These horrifying statistics have not changed the abortion debate, however, and it continues to be clouded in the rhetoric of abortion rights. Even some blacks have excused the stats, disguising the issue in civil rights terms. Those that have been dubbed by the media and others the leaders of the black community spout rhetoric that encourages rather than discourages abortion in the black community. Black elected officials readily accept money from the largest abortion provider in the nation, Planned Parenthood, and some even stand in the august corridors of the Congress proclaiming a message that again, encourages rather than discourages abortion. The betrayal of the black community runs deep. Even the black media has failed to look deeper than the surface of this issue. They too fail to warn or even call attention to the numbers in a meaningful way.

Right before our eyes is all kinds of information that points to one root cause of the high abortion rate in the black community: eugenics. Those deemed leaders in the black community have failed to acknowledge Planned Parenthood's role in that movement or Margaret Sanger's disdain for the black race. In fact, some even go so far as to excuse her "Negro Project" calling her and the project a product of her time. And many in leadership roles, especially those elected to protect the interest of their constituents, have sold out for peanuts, the lives and welfare of those that elected them to serve. Most if not all of the Congressional Black Caucus voted to continue funding the one abortion provider that has proclaimed to the nation its desire to control the birth rate of the black community through abortion (see Planned Parenthood's 2009 tax return). Yet they want us to believe that CBC Chairman Emmanuel Cleaver II's statement in a April 2011 interview with Ebony magazine to be true: " is our job to ensure that the cuts don't adversely affect minorities and poor people".

In fact, the CBC was willing to allow the government to shut down, standing strong with Harry Reid who proclaimed the budget matter one of ideology over the funding of Planned Parenthood. Not one member of the Caucus pointed to abortion's impact on blacks or Planned Parenthood's role in keeping the numbers high. Instead they toed the party line, willing to allow the depopulation of the black communityt to continue, even if it meant putting hundreds of thousands of blacks out of work. In light of these numbers, where is the action of the black caucus to protect blacks from the destruction of abortion?

Yes, the New York Times and other media want us to believe New York's five percent decline in the black population in the City is due to migration. But those of us that have seen the numbers understand that the truth of abortion's population control impact on the black community. The five percent decline in New York City's population is due to abortion and we must face that fact head on.

The black community must come together and stop this madness. What is the magic number that will cause blacks to take action against this medical procedure that has proven to be the greatest genocidal instrument in America? How long will it be before blacks awaken to abortion's destruction? How many more states and cities need to mirror Georgia and New York City before we stand up and say no more? I pray that the number is 0. What say you?


Friday, April 1, 2011

To My Sisters: We Made God Cry

The other day a storm blew through metro Atlanta. It was a fierce storm that rattled the windows and shook the doors. It woke me from a sound sleep. I could hear the rain pounding the ground in buckets, the lightning was flashing intermittently as the thunder roared. As I settled back down I began to dream. In it I saw the most heartbreaking, gut wrenching scene - I saw God with His head thrown back and streams of tears pouring from His eyes. His tears were so prolific they were like buckets of rain hitting the earth. His mouth was contorted as if in the deepest agony and each time He cried out it sounded like thunder. His fists were clenched as if enduring the most excruciating pain. Each time He lifted His hands and dropped them, bolts of lightning fell to the earth. Clearly centered in His bosom, closest to His heart were millions of babies that had died in the abortion clinics.

I woke up understanding that God was not pleased with us, we had made Him cry. As I came out of my sleep I knew that a measure of God's anguish was because we refused to look at the truth He had provided repeatedly. I felt an alarm going off in my heart and I heard these words: something is wrong, very wrong. I heard Eddie James in my head singing: "Sound the alarm and gather the people, gather the elders, let the ministers wail".

But how do we sound the alarm in a culture that has been indoctrinated to believe a lie? Just yesterday I watched a clip of Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, spinning a yarn that taking Title X money from Planned Parenthood would deny women access to mammograms, a service that Planned Parenthood does not provide. In recent years, Live Action, an organization out of California headed by Lila Rose, has exposed the many lies that Planned Parenthood tells including this most recent one about mammograms, and yet there are those that argue they are a champion of women. Despite recorded evidence that Planned Parenthood would take money to kill black babies, many still believe Planned Parenthood is a friend to blacks. Despite recorded evidence that Planned Parenthood counsels pimps and sex traffickers on how to avoid state and federal laws, there are those that still champion the cause of that agency as a friend of women. Despite news reports that the organization has changed its business model to increase the numbers of abortions on women, there are those that want us to believe that Planned Parenthood's business model is to provide reproductive health services to women, i.e. pap smears, cancer screenings and the like.

Normally we would look to the media to expose the truth or lies of assertions such as these. After all, it was the media that exposed Nixon's corruption. Remember "Deep Throat" and the Watergate scandal? It was the media that held Clinton accountable for his sexual encounters with a woman young enough to be his daughter. Yet in this instance the media has not warned women or even reported the truth. They have taken the active role of promoting the yarns that Planned Parenthood spins. The media even abdicated its responsibility to clean up the so called misstatements of spokespersons like Cecile Richards. Instead they join with the deception repeating it time and again as if it is truth rather than fabrication. The media has become the vehicle that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers drive in their effort to keep abortion unfettered in America.

Normally we could look to the elected officials to sound the alarm about issues that directly affect their constituents. However, in this instance, the unmasking of the abortion industry, we have been betrayed. Many of the elected officials put in place to represent our interests have joined forces with those perpetrating the myth that abortion is woman friendly, for example, Congresswoman Gwen Moore from Wisconsin. Blacks are 6.2% of the population of Wisconsin, yet almost 25% of the 8,299 abortions in that state were on black women. That is more than three times their representation in the population! Something is wrong, very wrong with that picture. Yet congresswoman Moore stood on the floor of the U.S. Congress and sang the praises of Planned Parenthood, who would have aborted her children had she gone to them since that is the only service they offer a woman whose temporary economic condition would make it a struggle to provide for their children. At 18, Congresswoman Moore states she was poor, did not have a dime to call an ambulance. However, today, she walks the corridors of one of the most powerful governmental bodies in the world, making a six figure salary. I wonder if she really believes that abortion was a better option for her than the lives of her three children.

So I write to sound the alarm. Something is wrong, terribly wrong when across the nation black women are entering the abortion clinics at three, four and even five times their representation of the population. Something is wrong, terribly wrong, when even the black media and black elected officials will not sound the alarm. We are making God cry. Perhaps today will be the day that we say no more.