While driving to a meeting this past week, a friend of mine shared from
a book she was reading. The author was describing an ancient war on women. Steeped in infanticide, and waged during the Roman Empire, the war allowed
for girls to be discarded like yesterday’s trash. Fathers were allowed to murder or abandon their daughters for any reason, just hours
after her birth. Girls were viewed as
burdens that brought no value to the family. One husband wrote to his wife: “If
you are delivered of a child (before I come home), if it is a boy keep it, if a
girl discard it.”
ancient war on women is not so ancient when viewed through the population
control lenses of Planned Parenthood and their eugenicist cohorts in the abortion industry.
In fact, many of Planned Parenthood’s population control benefactors fund them to treat women, especially Black women, with
the same disdain that ancient Romans treated women and girls. Except this time they have made it seem Black women are choosing to participate in their own maiming or death.
Increasingly and with calculated efficiency the pro-abortion elitists have
woven a tapestry of deception that has women believing the risk to their fertility is a small
price to pay for the right to “not be pregnant”( http://bit.ly/UBVA3F). Abortionists
openly diminish the more than 60,000 injuries each year that require a woman be
hospitalized and in some instances result in her death. They have
convinced women that allowing a substandard abortionist to abort their baby is
a matter of access to reproductive health care (http://nyr.kr/1qV5gVQ) that is to be fought for. In
their ethnic cleansing enthusiasm, the industry and those that fund it have
fought to keep the substandard abortionist in business with no restrictions to their
“practice” no matter how many women they injure, maim and maul. What is both amazing and frightening is that
they have no fear of openly telling America their purpose and agenda for
getting rid of “the populations we don’t want too many of”( http://nyti.ms/1AQLf4U). They openly
declare their intention to continue multi-year campaigns to reach into
communities of color (http://bit.ly/1iwUJqw) despite statistics that reveal a genocidal impact in
the Black community especially.
In their
exuberance to redefine abortion as health care, a series of articles
celebrating abortion have cast children as problems, burdens,and/or inconveniences to
the mother who should not have to be pregnant if she does not want to be. One
such article went well beyond the bounds of human decency, ridiculing the fact that abortionists are increasingly injuring and yes, killing women in their
abortion centers across the country. The so called ministry of this particular
abortionist coldly ignores the humanity of the child and health of the mother as
he convincingly minimizes the risk to
the woman and her ability to have children in the future. He does this while proclaiming himself a Christian that was raised in the Church. Yes, that is the abortionists’ latest scheme;
claim that Jesus would condone aborting
babies because it is helping the woman “in her time of need”. They even give women letters signed by various clergy declaring abortion is not morally
wrong (http://bit.ly/1oarKiH).
The shift in the language away from "pro-choice " toward “abortion
care” has eliminated the idea that abortion is not taking a
life. In fact, they now acknowledge that it is a child that the woman should not be required to have unless she wants to (http://bit.ly/1cQLnbL). They even go so far as to state that abortion saves lives (http://huff.to/1nODtBr),
completely ignoring the many women that have died at the hands of substandard
abortionists. These purveyors of death demonically and cavalierly take the
lives of their patients without penalty or repercussions. Patients like Tonya
Reaves, who was left bleeding after a uterus perforation for more than five
hours in a Planned Parenthood facility. When they finally took her to a trauma center, it was too late to save her life. Patients like Edrica Goode who died
after Planned Parenthood ignored her medical condition (she had an infection)
and performed a second trimester abortion catapulting her into toxic shock
syndrome. She did not survive the abortion. Or patients like Sherika Mayo whose sickle cell anemia was ignored
and a second trimester abortion performed by one of Planned Parenthood’s preferred
providers that left her hemorrhaging at a time she should have been given a blood transfusion. She did not survive the abortionists' health care.
After forty-one and a half years of abortion, they no longer see a need to disguise
their appetite for allowing pedophiles to run rampant among our children. Tamiia
Russell is one example: the fifteen year old was impregnated by a 24 year old
drug dealer. Taken by the sister of the drug dealer to Alberto Hodari, a late term abortionist in Detroit, Hodari performed the $2,000 abortion leaving Tamiia
bleeding so heavily she soaked a mattress according to her mother. She did not
survive. Planned Parenthood sent a thirteen year old home with her stepfather after
aborting his child. He had been raping her since she was six years old and was only stopped when the mother learned of the abuse. Another
Planned Parenthood was sued for failing to report the sexual abuse of a sixteen
year old whose father had been raping her since she was thirteen. Because of
their failure to report in violation of Ohio law, the father continued raping her for another year and a half. Protecting rapists such as these, the abortion lobby fights to make sure states include rape and incest exceptions in laws designed to protect women. Instead they choose to protect the rapist.
They have no problem violating state laws. Steven Brigham is just one of
many abortionists that flaunt their violations as badges of honor. He claims he
was acting in good faith when he transported patients from NJ to Maryland in
order to complete the late term abortions he started but were illegal in New Jersey
(http://bit.ly/1p7fHmt). Diane Derzis, who
is not a doctor but is celebrated as the “abortion queen” is another purveyor
of abortion whose facilities fall far beneath reasonable medical standards. Her
facility in Birmingham, Alabama was forcibly closed down after a center reviewer
found 76 pages of health code violations and three women were seriously
injured. She still operates squalid centers in other states - Mississippi and
Georgia included. When Texas raised its standards to ambulatory surgical center
levels, one abortionist that refused to or could not meet those standards
continued performing more than two hundred fifty abortions before he was
forcibly closed down (http://bit.ly/WYVN2H). These abortionists think themselves above the law.
In the 1960’s there was a sitcom called Lost in Space. Every time a person or thing was near to harming his
human, the robot, with arms flailing and antennae circling, called out “Danger,
Danger Will Robinson”! Just call me robot. Danger, danger Black women, all
women! Abortion is not safe!!!! The ancient war against women has been
resurrected and is now destroying not only the girl babies, but more times than
are counted the mother’s fertility as well. And, the increasing roll call of
vibrant young women who do not make it out of America’s abortion dens alive is
an attestation to the fact that the coat hanger has simply put on a suit and
going in the front door to destroy women and their hopes and dreams.
Danger, danger Black women, all women! Abortion is not safe!!!!